Mystical Dancer

Out of the shadows of the night, she takes a weary step. Once the music begins, she cannot distinguish the rhythm from the beating of her heart, and she dare not look at him, lest she fall apart. With his hand outstretched, he invites her to dance. Without a word, his fingertips gently touch her […]

Within Wisdom’s Reach

An open portal – an image that brings solace to the weary soul. The darkness has been removed to allow for transparency. Light now makes its way through that which was once bound for what seems like an eternity. Broken or missing pieces are no longer of consequence because there is a sacred angle present […]

My Friend, the Mystery.

As the day fades away, I sit quietly in the shadows of the sunset waiting for you. The way you greet me before I know you are there has become a great mystery. Silently you observe me from afar hanging on to every word I have yet to speak. Your penetrating stare, I sense it […]

Will you return…

Where have you gone? Are you going to return? The sound of your voice has been missing for some time now. When will the silence end? I caught a glimpse of you in the winds of a hurricane. Your breath was strong and active. Your heart pulsated with love. But as the storm subsided, the […]