My Friend, the Mystery.

As the day fades away, I sit quietly in the shadows of the sunset waiting for you. The way you greet me before I know you are there has become a great mystery.

Silently you observe me from afar hanging on to every word I have yet to speak. Your penetrating stare, I sense it because it envelopes me.

Your presence is made known as your call meets my ears. My heart begins to pound as I hurriedly seek to reach back to you. As your continued song welcomes my response, I become captivated by the mystery of your most sacred wisdom.

Although I am unable to see your eyes, I know they see straight into my heart for why else would they remain so fixated on me. If only I knew what you were thinking as you listen to my nonsensical ramblings. But it doesn’t really matter, for we have an eternity.

As the moon sets high in the sky I know it is time for you to go, but while you prepare to share yourself with other creatures by bounding from tree to tree to tree, I remain at ease knowing you will always return back to me.